(通讯员 张媛媛)12月18日下午,应公司研究生院、云顶国际yd333邀请,Wiley编辑沈睦贤博士来公司访问,并为学院师生作了题为“Publishing in Wiley Materials Science Journals”的报告。会议由杨年俊教授主持,学院部分教师及研究生参加了报告会。
在报告会上,沈睦贤博士向大家介绍了Wiley旗下的各个材料科学期刊(Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Engerneering Materials, Small,Small Methods等)及其发展现状。沈博士从编辑的角度向我们详细的讲解了应该如何撰写文章,编辑处理稿件的流程等问题,并强调了一些在投稿过程中需要注意的事项。整个报告非常充实和轻松,大家在此次报告中都受益匪浅。
Dr. Muxian Shen obtained her BSc in Chemical Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology. After receiving her PhD degree in Material Science at the same university, she joined Nature Research Group as the first Editorial Assistant for Nature Communications, Nature Materials and Nature Energy based in Asia in 2015, and was promoted to Senior Editorial Assistant for Nature Communications in 2016. She joined Wiley in 2018 as a Peer-review Editor for Advanced Energy Materials, Advance Functional Materials, Advanced Engineering Materials, Small Methods and is based in the Shanghai office.